Questions about
Fluenta Sourcing

Questions about
Fluenta Auction

  • What is Fluenta Sourcing?

    It's a procurement tool to create and run online sourcing (RFI, RFQ, RFP) events, and receive and compare responses.

  • How does Fluenta Sourcing help me achieve my goals?
    It makes the everyday work of a procurement team or buyer a lot easier by digitizing the sourcing process and facilitating savings.
  • Does Fluenta Sourcing make my work quicker?
    Absolutely. You can copy previous events and create templates to make event creation quicker. It also makes it easier for suppliers to complete your RFIs, RFQs and RFPs, so you can receive their responses and offers sooner. Evaluating and comparing these also becomes a lot easier and quicker with Fluenta Sourcing.
  • How much time does it take to implement Fluenta Sourcing?

    We can hand you a ready-to-use system in as little as 1 or 2 weeks.

  • How much does Fluenta Sourcing cost?
    We offer several different licence packages for different needs. All our pricing options are tailored for each specific company, so if you are interested, contact us [here].
  • How many suppliers can I invite?

    As many as you need.

    Fluenta's supplier database is a closed system; if you want one of your partners to participate in a sourcing event, they need to be registered in Fluenta. However, it only takes a few clicks to invite a supplier, and you can have all your partners registered in the system in minutes. And any registered supplier can be added to your events, not only those that you have invited to the system.

  • How much time does it take to set up a tender in the system?
    Depending on the complexity of your sourcing process and the templates already in the system, you can be done in as little as 10 minutes.
  • Can I give different levels of access to my team members?
    Of course. There are two user types available for Fluenta Sourcing licences (Basic and Professional) that allow your team members to do different things in the system.
  • How much time does it take to learn to use the system?

    When it comes to user training, you can choose from two options:

    • live training, which includes two sessions of a few hours each, or
    • on-demand materials, which you can work on at your own speed.
  • How much time will it save for me?
    Depending on how much digitization has already gone on in your organization, it could save you a few hours a week, or it could save you days.
  • What kinds of extra features are there to help me?

    Fluenta Sourcing events are questionnaire-based and consistent for all your suppliers. This means that all responses you receive will be in the same format, making everything easy to compare and report.

    If the responses are incomplete or lack some additional information you might need, you can reopen events or create new rounds in the same event to see everything – old and new – in one place, covering the entire sourcing process in one go.

    You can even connect your sourcing processes to a Fluenta Auction event and call for bids directly from there.

  • Will you support me?
    Yes, we have excellent customer service available in English via email and chat. Our support colleagues are happy to answer any technical question you may have.
  • Will you support my suppliers?
    Of course. Our customer support colleagues are happy to help both your team and your supplier partners with any technical questions that might arise.
  • What is Fluenta Auction?
    It's an online tool to run simple and complex electronic auctions, both for selling and buying.
  • How does Fluenta Auction help me achieve my goals?

    If you have comparable offers for the products or services you want to buy or sell, you can invite your bidders to an online auction. Auctions are a form of price negotiation where you don't need to directly negotiate with your bidders; they compete with each other. This heightened sense of competition and urgency drives participants to improve their previous bids, increasing your savings or profit. You can create even more psychological pressure with different [auction types].

  • Does Fluenta Auction make my work quicker?
    Yes! Instead of contacting your potential buyers or suppliers one by one, all you need to do is set up the auction and its rules, invite everyone you need, and watch the prices improve; you don't even need to be there during the auction. You can also copy auctions you might want to repeat, which takes even less effort and time.
  • How much time does it take to implement Fluenta Auction?
    We can hand you a ready-to-use system in as little as 1-2 weeks.
  • How much does Fluenta Auction cost?

    We offer several different options for different needs. If you want to see whether auctions could be useful for you, you can request our Auction Mentor service, where we'll do most of the work for you. Or if you're already an experienced auctioneer, you can choose from our Auction licence packages.

    All our pricing options are tailored for each specific company, so if you are interested, contact us [here].

  • How many participants can I invite?

    To Fluenta? As many as you need. To your auction? That is tailored to your needs in the package you choose.

    Fluenta's supplier database is a closed system; if you want one of your partners to participate in an auction, they need to be registered in Fluenta. However, it only takes a few clicks to invite someone, and you can have all your partners registered in the system in minutes. And any registered supplier/buyer can be added to your aucitons, not only those that you have invited to the system.

  • How much time does it take to set up an auction in the system?
    Depending on the complexity of your auction rules and the number of items you need to auction, you can be done in as little as 10 minutes.
  • Can I give different levels of access to my team members?
    Of course. There are two user types available for Fluenta Auction licences (Basic and Professional) that allow your team members to do different things in the system.
  • How much time does it take to learn to use the system?

    When it comes to user training, you can choose from two options:

    • live training, which includes one or two sessions of a few hours each, or
    • on-demand materials, which you can work on at your own speed.
  • How much time will it save for me?
    Depending on how your organization has previously handled price negotiations, it could save you a few hours a week, or it could save you days.
  • How much money will the system save for me?
    Our Customers achieve an average of 10–16% savings compared to their previous best prices, but in certain areas, up to 30–40% savings are possible.
  • Will you support me?

    Yes, we have excellent customer service available in English via email and chat. Our support colleagues are happy to answer any technical question you may have.

    We also offer a service called Auction Mentor, where our experts help you choose the best auction type for your goals and handle everything from registering your partners to creating the auction and handing you its reports.

  • Will you support my participants?
    Of course. Our customer support colleagues are happy to help both your team and your supplier/buyer partners with any technical questions that might arise.

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